My reasons I really dont like being refered to as a "proshipper" or whatevs

Heads up y'all, this is gonna be the most discoure/drama-y I'll get. Even though I'd say I'm 'retired' from that stuff. I'll also get a bit vent-y at the end.

Look I wouldn't call myself an "anti" by any means. But I really dont want to refer to myself as a "proshipper". Hell sayng the word "anti" feels gross and weird somehow. And here are only a few reasons why haha!

To be fair this isn't representative all of them but still.

But Ok ea I really can't say "@ntis" are much better. They're arguably worse

Again, not representative all of them but still.

God. God. WHy did I use it. I just wanted to look at fun art and stuff on there. Where did things go wrong. WHy did we go this far. Is this why I don't really have friends? Or is this a result of that? I thought I was doing good, I even discovered a bit about myself. I don’t really know what happened. Was I growing older/maturing. But whatever happened it started to make me realize how much of a cesspool this damned discourse really was. You were either one side or the other, and people would take dumb opinions way too seriously. It felt like people were using non-existent “victims” as an excuse to one-up each other. I started to hate the big discourse accounts I used to admire. People would gladly associate themselves with racists that use buzzwords to seem progressive. Use the same/similar language ‘anti-SJW’ mfs use but “it’s ok if the girls and the gays do it” (I am seriously convinced that most big “proship” accs are either made by or supported by “anti-sjw” mother fuckers and... Uggghhdhdhdndjnhjwbhjjsbjhdehiuhuie

Im not even gonna bother making this thing look 'pretty'. I just wanna move on.